V-HealthTM is brought to you by SkinGenuity, a leader in advanced treatment technologies for healthy skin, hair, and lashes.

SkinGenuity’s team has a long history of working together in pharmaceutical companies, collaborating on treatments for burns and wounds, while developing the world’s leading product for scar treatment.

Research from that work led them to understand the tremendous opportunities that stem cell therapies represented for developing cures for many other skin problems. Their work eventually led to the development of a series of products using bio-engineered growth factors, the body’s cell messaging system that showed incredible regenerative skin results.

During years of research using growth factors to cure numerous skin problems, they observed the limitations and actual damage from side effects caused by conventional treatments, such as lasers and estrogen for Genital Urinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM). They quickly realized that their bio-engineered growth factors could treat GSM symptoms with zero side effects.

The result is V-HealthTM, a major technological breakthrough, which is based on a combination of growth factors that are now clinically shown to effectively treat the symptoms of GSM.